La Reine Soleil
With a ray of sun she turned herself inside out to become who she truly is.
Made by Pero Nikcevic
The final print is signed, numbered and named by the artist.
With a ray of sun she turned herself inside out to become who she truly is.
Made by Pero Nikcevic
The final print is signed, numbered and named by the artist.
With a ray of sun she turned herself inside out to become who she truly is.
Made by Pero Nikcevic
The final print is signed, numbered and named by the artist.
To Pero Nikcevic, "the feminine has both a physical and spiritual fertility, one without which, the world would not exist. Women give birth to life. Women carry life to fruition through a delicate process that demands more sacrifices than for men." Pero gives birth to his art and honors the female force through the women appearing in his pieces since the very beginning. “Ode à la femme” is a poem born and birthed in the very moment his daughter, Pauline, decided to give her force to atelier arpero. “Ode à la femme” embodies the strength, the fertile, the mysterious, the sensual that makes women the very origin of our existence.