Pero and Pauline are the father-daughter duo behind atelier arpero. Growing up in Paris, Pauline spent most of her childhood in her father’s studio. She would witness the pain and the struggle of her father's artistic journey, as he forged his own path outside the establishment, but she would also see the beauty and the joy. Inspired by how his work touched others, she founded atelier arpero to share their passion for art and to make it accessible to all.
Whether you're a seasoned collector or a newcomer, it's not about knowledge, it's about emotions. Pauline explains, "My friends would see the art on my walls and say, 'I’d love art in my home, but I don’t know where to start and I don’t know anything about it.' I want people to realize that they don’t need to know anything about art to buy it - they just need to feel. The key is to buy with your heart, art evokes a unique emotion.., and it lasts forever."
Pero adds, “Depending on the viewer's perspective, the meaning of a piece can change. This freedom of interpretation is very important to me. I feel free to create my work, so my audience should feel free to interpret it as they see fit.”
Through atelier arpero, Pero and Pauline want to fill your walls with art and let it transform not only your home but also you. #nomoreemptywalls